I’m curious about different processes.

For me, it was really difficult to come up with goals, so I started off writing down my thoughts and journaling on ideas. Then I categorized my writings, and decided to work on things that I have the most amount of interest in (ideas that keep repeating) and that align with how I want my future to look like.

For the straight forward things (cleaning, meal prep, random errands), I created a routine and journal about my experience often.

For the not straight forward things, I have a binder for things that I research or mind maps or sketches of things i read/observe, a journal to reflect, a summary book to keep the important information together. I don’t schedule these activities though because I naturally gravitate toward them each day.

1 comment
  1. I am an extremely routine oriented person, so I naturally tend to fall into a rythym of rituals and routines throughout the day.

    I don’t really like to spend much time thinking about the distant future or really anything beyond a few weeks ahead when I can help it. I do keep a journal, but it’s more an exercise in getting thoughts and feelings out than it is in achieving any sort of goal. I almost never go back and look at what I’ve written. For work I keep a “to do” list that I update every Monday morning.

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