Why is Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination split 50/50?

  1. This is just straight up not true lmao. Three republicans have came out in support of Jackson so far

  2. Because the government no longer works for the people. The parties work against each other.

  3. People are voting on party lines, and she was nominated by a Democratic president.

    It didn’t matter who Biden picked, Republicans were going to oppose them because they oppose Biden.

  4. The vote was on a committee with 22 members, 11 Republicans and 11 Democrats. The vote went exactly along party lines.

    Now the vote will go to the Senate, where the Democrats will be able to pass it – plus at least 3 Republican senators (Murkowski, Romney, Collins) have already expressed support for her.
    There has already been a vote to bring her confirmation to the general Senate floor, and those 3 Republicans voted with the Dems and Independents to make it 53-47. They’ll have the official confirmation vote later this week.

  5. Democrats would lose their party support and elections if they wavered voting against kbj

    Likewise Republicans

    But Collins and Murkowski are not really Republicans.

    Romney was always a democrat.

    So in effect t, it was the Ds vs all the Rs

    For all the reasons stated in my first sentence.

  6. The Senate and all committees (including Judiciary) are split 50/50 until January 3^rd 2023 (when the new Congress is sworn in) at the very earliest if no special elections are held before then.

    However, as I understand it there are three Republican votes which are plausible (Romney, Collins, and Murkowski), so there’s that.

  7. The Judiciary Committee (which reviews her application before it appears on the full Senate floor) is comprised of an equal number of Democrats and Republicans. This nomination was evenly split 11-11 (I mean, did anyone expect anything different?). This forces the chair of the Committee (a Democrat) to file a discharge petition to bring it to the Senate floor, as the committee is tied. This delays the nomination by a couple days at most. Judge Jackson will be confirmed regardless, but it’s just an annoying obstacle.

    The Republicans have chosen to vote no to waste the Democrats’ time with bureaucratic procedure (and thus less time to work on their other priorities and goals) and to signal to their base that they did something.

  8. Typical state of our party politics. She will be in, but let’s fuck around and waste time and money, it’s not like there are any important work that needs to be done. Typical Washington crap fest.

  9. Fuck those Rs who are saying, “yeah she’s great and totally qualified, but I’m a no vote.”

    This country has hit the iceberg as is sinking fast into undemocracy.

  10. She has liberal views, doesn’t support Trump, doesnt believe abortion should be illegal. Why the right hates her

  11. Because Supreme Court nominations have been a political theater opportunity since the Bork hearings and these votes now go down party lines.

  12. The worst part about all of this was Biden’s claim saying “I will appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court”.

    Making it seem as if it were a race/sex pick. That’s going to turn a lot of people off regardless of her qualifications.

    She’s more than qualified for the job. I don’t like her views on stuff but she is qualified.

    And yes, it’s wrong when anyone does it. I know trump did it with Justice Barrett, and that was also wrong. Appoint the people who are the best for the job. Stating “oh I’ll appoint a Justice who belongs to Race/color/sexuality/country of origin” makes me have less confidence in that.

    I don’t care who’s a Justice: black white extraterrestrial. If they’re the most qualified for the job then they should be picked for it.

  13. ITT: the exact same nonsense mentality that caused a 50/50 split. Everyone accuses the “other” side of being the enemy of all that is right and good in the world.

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