My boyfriend (20M) told me (21F) last night that he wanted to have some space. We’ve been dating for 3 years, living together for a year. He’s sleeping in his sister’s room (same apt) for the time being. He’s told me so far that he feels unhappy in our relationship, and that he’s been feeling depressed, anxious, and unhappy in general. He wants to work on himself, and he wants me to work on myself (for self confidence and not relying on him as a source of happiness). He said has love for me, but he’s falling out of love with me. I asked him if he thinks he’d be happier with someone else and he said he doesn’t know. He also promised that he wouldn’t “cheat” during this time

I’m struggling, big time. We used to talk about getting married someday. He used to love me so much. He thinks we moved in together too soon. But I want to hear from other people what the probability is that we end up back together after all this. I think a break hurts worse than a breakup, because now I have no idea what to expect. It feels like a breakup but I know he’s right across the hall ignoring me, and I’m able to have a little bit of hope that will eventually crush me if things don’t work out.

It doesn’t really make sense to ask strangers on the internet what my relationship might become, when both of us are so clueless. But if any of you have experienced a break similar to this, I’d love to know how it ended up.

TLDR: If you had a break in a relationship to work on yourselves, how did it end up?

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