I genuinely don’t know. I make fake tinder profiles with male model looking men and then I insult and degrade every woman I match with and very very few unmatched me. Most gave me their social media to talk more and some even gave me their personal phone numbers and two gave me their home address and invited me over for sex without meeting me first. Why do all these women put up with that behavior? The only thing I can think of is evolutionary biology which no matter how hard or “empowered” they claim to be they can’t move past. It makes me start to question the stories of women in “abusive” relationships.

  1. This is not how abusive relationships start, no abuser will ever show their true colors on dating apps, abusers are master manipulators and usually are charming till they are sure that they have a tight grip on their victim. But what you are experiencing has nothing to do with relationships. It’s not unheard of to have lower standards for sex than a relationship, it’s not unheard of to want to fuck somebody just because they’re hot, it’s not like you have to talk to them or see them ever again.

  2. Women inviting you over for sex without meeting you first? Getting catfished and then robbed most likely or asked to pay up on your way out.

  3. So this is more of a leading question, correct?

    You’ve been rejected by women so you already have a clear goal when you “ask” this. Which is, to explain away the rejections by presuming its because women are a hive mind of simple creatures. While of course giving yourself plenty of autonomy and nuances. A bit weird and contradictory, don’t you think?

    The catfish experiment isn’t anything new and the motivations of people that do it are pretty apparent. Sadly it won’t solve your underlying problem and will only further the misery on you and only you.

    The victim blaming angle is also unfortunate because you likely had it happen to you. What sense does it make to now try to continue that cycle of pain and hurt others?

    Lastly, your “experiment” is not only faulty but a masterclass in bias, confirmation bias especially.

  4. It’s definitely your personality, I wouldn’t touch you with a 10 foot pole and I have no idea what you look like. You seem miserable and whiny, if you were a woman would you date you as you are? You realize women are just people, and people don’t like being around that kind of behavior right?

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