Ok so long story short. Yes I do get around alot, wont even deny that part I have no issues in that regard.

My issue is I don’t particularly enjoy that, I just enjoy being with folks in general, and I am trying to settle down and find a potential wife / life partner.

I understand the dating pool is kinda pay walled or status walled I guess you would call it. Every woman that I have spoken to to date has either been after my money, only looking for a ‘sneaky link’ or leading me on to get free dinner. I’m not trying to soap box whatsoever, just trying to elaborate on my situation for the question I have.

I have plenty of money to the point I can retire at 25 if I wanted to (I want even more money so I have no intent to retire early unless something changes), nice cars, I dress well, take care of myself well and I in general am a level headed individual that I think the term is, exuberates calmness to those I am with at any given time.


My question is this, what am I doing wrong? I am very honest about what I am looking for to the people I am meeting, I very explicitly say I am dating to marry which yes does scare some away because of commitment but I personally feel it keeps the waste of time away so take that how you will. I am EXTREMELY respectful and go out of my way to do so even if its at my own detriment as that is how I was raised. For the ones that stick around for a bit they get tons of gifts flowers if you can think it I have probably gifted it. I just don’t get it anymore and I am just about to throw the towel in the ring and go single till death which is dramatic but I mean… with the folks I have dealt with personally it seems impossible to find someone dating to marry. I never ask them of anything except just be honest and open with me, even if they messed up and cheated hypothetically just talk to me and we can work it out, that is the extent of my calmness.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I know not everyone is like the folks I have gone out with but man… it makes it difficult to justify continuing to jump into the dating pool so. Just be blunt with me if thats the easiest way to put it

  1. You’re picking the wrong people. I think thats it.

    If you have all the intangibles, then the thing that is missing is your ability to pick the right person for you.

    Do you find that all the girls you go on dates with are more or less the same? Have you switched it up and met people outside your “type”? If you dont change it up, you’ll continue getting the same results.

    Maybe keep it a bit more lowkey about your money/status.

    You cant just keep doing the same things, so its time to switch it up. Online dating is going to be very high % of people that arent as serious as you are.

  2. Welcome to the club, pal. I’m average looking, tall, highly educated, well paid, and have had no luck finding a partner that isn’t flakey or looking to extract money. It’s absolutely wild.

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