What movie gives you the most nostalgic feeling?

  1. Donnie Darko, Across The Universe, Napoleon Dynamite, Phantom of the Opera. I had these movies playing almost constantly in my room when I was in high school.

  2. Singing in the Rain !

    I was obsessed with this movie as a child. I didn’t speak English but I would try to yoghurt sing the song, I knew entire scenes by heart, and when the singing in the rain scene would be on I’d have to rush to grab my umbrella and dance in the living room with them. Also looking back Cyd Charisse was one of my first crushes haha.

    For similar reasons, Les Tontons flingueurs does that to me as well. They’re both old movies too, and about the transition from the old to the new, so they’re double nostalgia

  3. Aladdin. My sister’s name is Jasmine and she wore that movie out when we were kids.

  4. Spirited Away. I did not even watch this as a child or something. But everytime I watch it, or even see a scene, it just gives me a really soothing feeling.

  5. 13 Going on 30, Matilda, The Parent Trap, Freaky Friday with Lohan, the Princess Diaries (1).

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