So, recently, around a week ago. I got back into contact with a decent friend of mine. We don’t talk consistently, as our friend groups are very far apart and he often has family issues so he is not available often. Anyway, we were talking one night and out of nowhere, he starts venting about how he is done with relationships. That he’s been burned too many times and just feels cold. I try and be a good listener, try to comfort him. And at some point we get into the topic of relationships, switching to how i don’t know much about how they work, and he suggests that he tell me about dating or i just try dating him (it’s 1am at this point, relevant later) and i don’t really answer it, sort of just say “either is fine with me” and move on. We talk a bit more, and keep coming back to the relationships topic. Eventually it’s 3am and I’m tired as all heck, i tell him I’m gonna sleep and as I’m leaving he asks which choice I’d like. I say something along the lines of “either is fine, can we just mush them together” and then say i need sleep. I’m not really in my right mind at this point. We leave. Now we just have this relationship where we are dating, but it’s….strange. oh btw, i had a growing crush on this person and did want to date, but now i feel bad because i might be taking advantage of him and I didn’t want us to date when the other party really isn’t interested. What do I do in this situation? Should I just end it? Or do what i have been doing and ignore it?

Short ver: After a vent session we talk about dating, and start “pretend dating” and now it’s weird.

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