It’s gotten to the point where I question any journey that isn’t essential. I was wondering if others felt the same and at what price demand will eventually fall off a cliff.

  1. Not at all, before all this I wasn’t driving around for the sake of it. If I need to go to work or the shops then I need to go, it costs more money but it is what it is sadly.

  2. Yeah we are on leave and have mostly stayed around home rather than doing a few day trips further afield as we might usually. Just trying to put off filling up until it goes down in price again.

  3. It’s making me question the logic of employers insisting we’re all back in the office. Have applied to do three days a week from home to save enough money on petrol to be able to afford energy bill and food rises.

    Things seem very messy at the moment.

  4. We definitely feel more aware of what’s in our tank and where we’re going. We’re not *cancelling* things but the biggest draw remains my partners need to get into her office a couple of times a week.

  5. I don’t drive so it hasn’t affected that. Bus ticket prices have gone up as well though, so I am slightly more likely to walk than get the bus. But that’s also because I don’t want to catch covid and everyone seems to be getting it at the moment.

  6. I’m WFH and I only travel on a weekend to do a food shop. However I go to my closest town and buy everything I need and get other things done then such as visit a friend or family all in one day and one journey. I don’t go anywhere else and don’t really spend any money on anything other than necessities, I save money which I need but the local economy such as local pub, bar, restaurant or tourist spot lose out.

  7. I actually don’t do too much driving these days anyway- to work and back and then about once a month to go see my parents. So not really. What it definitely has done though is make me more seriously look for an electric car within budget, although the second hand market isn’t too great for it right now

  8. I’m going to sell my £1,000 diesel car that I put £20 of fuel a week in and buy a £30,000 electric car to save money on commuting costs

  9. I don’t drive and walk everywhere, but now I’ve started pointing and laughing at people when I walk past a gas station which I do every day on the way to work.

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