What’s your guys’ favourite go-to meal when you’re lazy but don’t want to be a complete slob?

  1. Ubereats.

    I usually keep a constant rotation of sushi, ramen, indian, shawarma and seafood going. I love fresh tacos as well but I only get those directly from the food trucks.

  2. A cheap steak and rice. I’ll cut the steak into bite sized pieces toss it into a skillet with an onion and seasoning then add a cup or so of rice and some kind of broth. Pop the lid on top for a while, stirring occasionally so the rice doesnt stick and serve hot with some Tony’s.

  3. Instant noodles upped with carrots, cabbage,peas,egg, maybe some meat and healthy dose of chili sauce.

  4. Instant noodles upped with carrots, cabbage,peas,egg, maybe some meat and healthy dose of chili sauce.

  5. 8oz cubed lean meat stir fry w/bag of frozen vegetables

    Takes about 8 minutes 👍

  6. A frozen pizza or anything else I can just toss into an oven and forget about until its ready.

    Aldi sometimes has these fish and chips meals in their freezer section that cook up nice in my air fryer, those are good for lazy meals as well.

  7. Toss whatever’s thawed in the air fryer and steam some veggies. Season to taste. Mix with ramen that’s not had the flavor packet used, but do mix with oyster and soy sauce.

  8. My go-to right now is a custom variant of Greg Doucette’s anabolic french toast.

  9. Red beans and rice. With canned beans it takes like 30 minutes to make, and then you’ve got food for days.

  10. I’ll reverse sear a ribeye, which is really easy to do. Or I’ll go get some packaged chicken salad and eat that with those pretzel crackers.

  11. A bit of rice, 4 fried eggs with the yolk still drizzly, and a little sauce made with soy sauce, a touch of balsamic vinegar, sesame oil, and scallion

    Mix all

    So much fucking flavor, protein, and sufficient # of calories for < 10 min effort

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