I’ve been seeing this guy for like a week or so but things moved pretty quickly— we had sex after the first date and then just kept seeing each other every day. I even met his friends and hung out with them. I’ve spent the past three nights sleeping over his place. This is mainly because we’ve stayed up late and then I just haven’t said anything or made a move to go home. He hasn’t said anything to make me think that he doesn’t want me to sleep over— it’s just been something that’s happened without either of us acknowledging it out loud. Is there some kind of unspoken protocol about going home after hanging out? I’m worried that I’m overstepping a boundary without realizing it, but he hasn’t said anything about it. It’s a strange gray area where it feels presumptuous to bring pajamas and stuff but, at the same time, I just kind of stay and assume that if he doesn’t want me to sleep over, he’ll say something. Should I bring it up when I see him tonight?

  1. Your a jump off type of chick who thinks she’s a gf type. You aren’t. Stop considering dating men until your ready to stop acting like one.

  2. Girl, just go home. He might not be comfortable asking you to leave. In either case, you are demonstrating that you have no life of your own.

  3. Do you have other activities to do during the day time?

    It seems like a natural thing to say something like okay I got to go to work and I’m going to go home and then I’ll call you and see you in a few days, usually for our next date.

    Another important aspect of staying over for so many days in a row is not just that you’re sharing his bed at night , but you’re using up his resources in the daytime, such as electricity, water, food etc

    And one might argue that if the lights are on for one person there could just as easily be two people there, but it’s also a known fact that adding more people to a home also means more higher energy bills and more trash and waste created, meaning that something more is getting consumed there.

    So don’t wait until he actually has to tell you to leave him alone for a few days. Know your welcome and leave before it gets to that stage.

  4. So instead of asking the source directly you’re asking strangers on reddit to predict how HE feels about something? Seems logical

  5. I say just ask him and be like “do you want me to leave or do you want me to continue sleeping over?”

    I feel like if he felt like you were overstepping he would’ve hinted that he wanted you to leave a WHILE ago

  6. I(M) was in the same situation. My now gf stayed for multiple nights from the beginning of dating. It was the best thing ever for me. She was always there, we had so much fun. I couldn’t and can’t get enough of her. Maybe he feels the same as me.

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