How did you guys know wether she’s the one or not? I don’t really get those fireworks that people always talk about, but then again I never really have been a crazy emotional guy in general. My question is am I overthinking it? My girlfriend and I have been together for about a year and I don’t really feel anything when I say I love you, or when I cuddle her. But to be clear I’ve never really felt anything about anyone I’ve done those things with. I really like how her values/views on things are very similar to me but from a girls perspective and I can talk to her about pretty much anything…I’m just confused on why I haven’t felt any of the feelings everyone said would/should happen in a relationship, anyone else experienced this?

  1. There is no pre-made “The One.” There are no soul mates. There is no “meant to be.”

    You find someone you have a good feeling about, you have a lot in common, what you want for your life and what she wants for her life overlap enough that you can see building a life together. And after 20 years of marriage, then you are each “The One” for the other person, because you *became* that.

  2. It sounds like you’re complacent. You might be used to dating the same type of person so you always feel the same emotions with every partner. I think you need someone more passionate that can show you a different type of love. I think you haven’t found the person that loves you how you like to be loved (because you dont know yet how you like to be loved) and that you actually truly are in love with.

    If my bf talked about me like you just did, I would be devasted. I think this means that you love her but youre not in love with her. Both of you deserve better.

  3. this is what I will tell you… the one is not a myth per se but people quantify it differently. To keep it simple I would say if you can see good interactions, good communication, and facility to work together and grow together….. you are probably well on your way. You have to consider if this person is a person you can see co existing with long term or if this is a short term situation. We often try to be rigid and lock into the idea that we pick one persona nd it will be forever…. that person may change and may decide not to pick us anymore and that is okay. Make sure you know happiness and have the capacity to evolve together and try to be open to work on everything else like a team.

  4. She’s not the one. You may never find ‘the one’. If she is looking for a serious relationship and marriage you need to do her a favor and move on.

  5. The one is simply the one who won’t stop fighting for the two of you as long as you don’t. That’s all it means in my eyes really.

    It’s not a special person, but the things they do for you and you for them makes it special.

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