[Last year I made a post about how my ex boyfriend cheated on me with a married woman.](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/q1blis/my_boyfriend_23m_cheated_on_me_21f_with_a_married/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Someone asked me for an update on this. I ended up making him call the husband and tell him what he did. The husband told him “it’s not you, it’s her” which pissed me off because it was both of them, but either way I got what I wanted. The wife continued to call my ex for days and went as far as messaging me on Instagram telling me I ruined her life, and her children’s lives. They are still together as far as I know (I also don’t care). It took me a good while to have the guts to actually leave, and life is rad! Shoutout to you guys, all of your replies on that thread were a huge reason I built the courage to leave. Can’t believe it took me so long and I don’t know what I was afraid of.

My ex is back out there with a new girlfriend, probably gonna be a repeat offender and do the same to her! Would love to warn her but I’ll let her figure it out herself.

Cheers guys, thanks for all your help! I’m out here healing and living a wonderful new life without that skid rat.

tldr: update from a post last year, he told the husband what he did, I left him, life is awesome!

  1. You did the right thing! Good on ya for leaving that cheating turd

    Hopefully ex has learned his lesson and won’t be repeat offender and hurt someone else like that… but we both know that’s usually not the case

  2. I like how the cheating wife blamed you for ruining her life instead of, you know, HER CHEATING.

    Some people are absolute garbage tier

  3. Sounds like the husband is a codependent tool and the wife keeps him in orbit around her like the moons of Jupiter, for a reason. Like the relationship between Saruman and Wormtongue in *Lord of the Rings*. For his part it feeds his savior complex and self-pity narratives.

    Always kind of hurts one’s faith in humanity to see that kind of spinelesness, but you can’t fault the guy for being super anxious of busting up his family.

    >My ex is back out there with a new girlfriend, probably gonna be a repeat offender and do the same to her! Would love to warn her but I’ll let her figure it out herself.

    Mmmmmm. Hard to do without some kind of tangible evidence that wouldn’t immediately imply that you were the one sending it to her. At this stage in the relationship she’s not likely to see beyond his [Love-Bombing behaviors](https://www.healthline.com/health/love-bombing) and magic disney fairy dust and glitter he’s sprinkling everywhere. She would probably just blame you the messager, claim you were being jealous and bitter. Which the bitterness may be somewhat accurate….. but it doesn’t mean you’re lying.

  4. This is so good to hear. I always tell people there’s a life for you after a shitty partner, and posts like this are the proof and the pudding. I wish you well! 🫂

  5. So happy for you, you certainly made the right decision to leave. Wish you all the best for the future 😊

  6. Why did you make him tell the husband if you weren’t even gonna stay with him ?

  7. This makes me happy! ☺️

    And I hope you replied to the wife: “I didn’t ruin your life, *you* ruined your life!”

  8. Big W on your part. I applaud you having the strength to leave. Most people think it’s easy but they have not experienced it. Good on you, I’m glad you’re enjoying life

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