what’s something men should take notes on?

  1. How your “bros” behave in respect to women, and why it’s not okay.

    Also, how to find a G-spot. And a clit. AND how they are not the same thing.

  2. Don’t invalidate our feelings to make yours feel worthy of speaking about. It’s your fault your significant other doesn’t speak up.

  3. For the creepy ones: Don’t try to “convince” women into sex. That’s not consent. That’s coercion.

  4. Some dudes need to quit playing the victim when it comes to anything romantic or sexual. Everyone struggles, just not always in the same way. It’s part of being human and having a pulse.

  5. Paper is very conducive to writing.


    But honestly I think all people of all genders really could use instruction on money management.

  6. Stop talking about your exes/ex flings in front of your current girl. It’s unattractive

  7. The mental load of running a household. The constant planning of everything and keeping track of what needs to get done and when. I’m tired of seeing women carry most or all of the mental load in heterosexual relationships while the man just goes with the flow instead of sharing the burden. The woman shouldn’t be the only one keeping track of holidays, birthdays, events, and the schedules of everyone in the family. It also shouldn’t be on her to give out orders when basic household tasks need to be done, especially with regards to cleaning. I’m tired of excuses like “I was getting to it” or “you should’ve told me to do this” instead of taking initiative to see how they can contribute and take on their fair share of domestic responsibilities.

  8. Take notes from other men you admire, get inspired! In terms of fashion, career, family life, all of it. Choose your goals and reach for them, reach for the stars.

  9. It really comes down to the man. My partner could stand to learn that crying is not a sign of weakness and that partnerships, or at least what I’m looking for in one, is not about one taking care of the other but both being independent, together. If you need something and I have it, it’s yours. If I need something and you have it, I should hope you share the sentiment. But my exes needed to learn; when I cry, that doesn’t mean I need to win the fight. It means we should take a break from the debate and come back to it when I’ve calmed down. I still value your point.
    That if you want to stay home playing games all day that’s totally cool with me, but my family means a lot to me so it would mean the world if you would come to some events and meet them. Make an impression. That you aren’t less of a man for having a low sex drive. That you aren’t gay for enjoying taking it up the ass. And finally, that when I say I love you it means I love all of you. This includes your family who is an extension of you. This includes your flaws, though you should always be improving yourself if you’re able. This includes taking an interest in your interests. And it includes letting you go if you need to go and hoping you are happy in life in the long run 🙂

  10. Learning how to plan. 🙄 Told a friend I was coming to visit, asked if the week I wanted was ok (specifically his birthday week too). A few weeks later, he couldn’t remember when I was coming, after I had already booked my flights. Finally told him I’ll just cancel because he couldn’t be bothered to write it down (or remember when he was born, apparently). He finally got the message…sort of…

    I also told him I need to know what his plans are because he’s not taking time off for my visit, and I’m working from his place, so I need to let my boss know my availability that week. *Crickets*

    I guess I’ll be doing my own thing, just using his place as a cheap hotel. if I run into him while I’m there, I’ll say hi. 🙄

  11. … keep your nails clean and well groomed if you want to get laid… my bf and I moved to me doing his nails 🙈😂

  12. Learn how our menstrual cycle works and validate how it makes us feel/ how much it hurts. (For some women)

  13. Don’t ever mansplain anything unless you are actually an expert in that area.
    If your woman is crying or upset, don’t just run away so you can hide from the tornado until it passes. Hug her and show her some support..and yes here less is more so don’t try to talk too much because most likely you will screw it up. Just simply let her know you are there for her.
    Not every woman will have bad mood swings for PMS, but it does help to know her cycle so you can adjust accordingly if your lady is one of the ones who get terrible mood swings.

  14. At least for me personally and some of the women in my life, drowning us in complements every second of the day isn’t winning you brownie points. I dont need another reminder that you think im pretty, I want you to show me your amazing self and I want you to show me how I can be apart of that in some way.

  15. Words matter. Little things matter. It’s not that we are overly sensitive. It is exhausting being a woman in a man’s world.

  16. If you’re mid-late 20s, 30s, 40s, whatever, and you think it’s okay to date teenagers (17, 18, 19) you’re a fucking predator and you’re sick. Take notes on how creepy it is that you think a teenager is actually mentally there enough to date

  17. If you wouldn’t want it done to you then don’t do it.

    If you got rejected, it’s okay tomorrow is another day.

    Don’t ask for trust in a relationship if you can’t even trust yourself.

    Not every women wants your attention. I promise.

    If you hurt her in the right way she’s gonna remember it even ten years from now lol.

    No one is stopping you from showing your emotions other than yourself. F what others think.

    If you get angry don’t take it out on that poor wall or individuals. Work through it like everyone else does.

    Don’t let anyone tell you what a man should be. Especially those “Alpha males” 🙄

    If you have a wife that stays at home with kids don’t look down on that. She’s the reason you get to go to work while she sacrifices her career for you. I applaud women like this, cause couldn’t be me. But be thankful not hateful y’all.

  18. How to read a fucking room. My horny ass bf still has a little problem with this but he’s definitely getting better. Like if I’m sad I do not wanna fuck

  19. Stop using weaponized incompetence to not have to do stuff around the house. We know exactly what you’re doing.

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