I met her 1 and a half a month ago and we have instantly bonded with each other. All our choices match and all our likes and dislikes match. But the problem is that She went through a horrible break-up where her Boyfriend cheated on her and she now has attachment issues.
Even though she knows we are a perfect match for each other, she even likes me, we spend all our time with each other, we are always together, we even kiss each others but still she is afraid to go further in the relationship.
She is asking to take it tortoise slowly and without commitment. And yeah we are going to be on the same campus for the next two years. I have no idea what to do? I really like her and I want to give us a chance to work. Can you guys give me some advice???

  1. The best thing you can do is practice being supportive of her and respect her boundaries, show her that you love and care for her deeply. Use positive reinforcement and empower her to get over her past relationship trauma.

  2. She is letting you know where she is at emotionally. Looks like she’s seeking a no strings attached situation. If that is not your goal at the moment, then I say move on. If your looking for a commitment and she is not, then you both are not compatible.

  3. It’s times like these where you need to look at relationships realistically. Because when someone says a relationship is perfect when you discount every issue, it stands to reason that you are idealizing it.

    Your relationship is not perfect, and she told you exactly why. Take that as a good thing, as a sign that you should move on. She’s not ready to commit.

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