What do I(18f) do? My bf(19m) and I have been together almost 7 months and he hasn’t made me cum. He doesn’t put any effort in. I’ve given him countless bj’s even when I haven’t wanted to and he refuses to go down on me because of a bad past experience. I’m not mad that he won’t do the act itself, it’s more the thought. I always try to make sure he’s satisfied. He won’t even finger me, the only thing he’ll do is suck on my tits while I masturbate or let me grind on his leg. I’m lost. Idk what to do. He lasts maybe 4 minutes so cumming from sex is impossible. I’ve brought this up before, me not feeling like I receive the same amount of energy I give and he says he honestly doesn’t like vaginas. He only wants to use them to get off but as soon as he’s done he wants nothing to do with them. His words. What am I supposed to dooooo?? Been thinking about buying toys to help but idkkkkkk

  1. Then you dont need a bf at 18 years of age. Stop giving him what he wants. In fact, just stop being his gf altogether.

    Stop wasting your youth cause you will regret it later

  2. Omg. He doesn’t like vagina? That sounds crazy to me. You should defenetly buy toys.

  3. Buy the toys and move on. Selfish lovers don’t usually change. You can find someone that will go down often.

  4. Life is way _way_ too short to spend another minute of yours dealing with bad dick, and this is not even _interesting_ bad dick. This is boring, immature, totally bottom-shelf dick.

    There is a line of dudes around the block who want to go down on women, who love helping their girlfriend get off, who love to be up to their ears in pussy. Put Mister “doesn’t like vaginas” in the nearest dumpster, and go find yourself a partner — or a toy — or one of each! — that can get you what you deserve.

  5. Tell him you are sexually unfulfilled and you feel like he doesn’t care about your pleasure. The chat will go one of two ways: he realises that he needs to do better and you discuss how that will work, or you realise he is a selfish loser and you dump him on the spot.

  6. Don’t wanna sound harsh but you probably should be looking elsewhere if he is unwilling to put any effort in

  7. Replace him with someone who likes vaginas, and is willing to actually give your body some attention beyond what’s needed for their sole satisfaction. He apparently told you himself that he doesn’t care about your pleasure, so find someone who does.

  8. He should just get a fleshlight, and you should get a new boyfriend. I think you both will be much happier.

  9. Dump his ass. Plenty of fish in the sea. And you’re young enough to afford this mistake. 🤗 I normally type considerate responses taking everything into account but this just feels like a selfish douche who only cares about himself and hardly about you.

    Unless I’m dense and missing something else here, ditch. Totally justified to run. Towards a better future for yourself 👍🏻

  10. Just saying but last night i was begging my gf to go down on her. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    Find yourself someone who’s more on the same page. You’re pretty much still a kid, live’s short. But way to long to spend it with someone like him.

  11. My favourite thing in the world is pleasing my wife and going down on her. Like, above having anything done to me. There are loads of people out there who will be a match for what you’re looking for – but this guy seems selfish, immature, and you deserve better.

    Don’t think on it for a second, it’s nothing you’ve done wrong. This guy just needs to pull his head out of his own ass and grow up.

  12. Leave him immediately, he’s using you no sugar coating this, the blunt way to put this.

  13. You know what to do – END THE RELATIONSHIP NOW. You are his human fleshlight.

    He says he doesn’t like vaginas so he shouldn’t be dating one. He should be getting off with his hands and his own toys (or dating a man).

    Leave him immediately and go find a man that not only likes vaginas and enjoys satisfying them but is genuinely interested in you and is not treating you like a human fleshlight.

  14. leave him, he clearly only wants one thing and u need to find a MAN who actually wants to put the effort in to please you, especially if you’ve already spoken about this with him, hes just some little boy who has the mind of a 12 year old and the fact that he wont even finger you is just giving off major red flags babe, please leave him because it will just get worse from here

  15. You’re 18….enjoy life. Have fun. You have the rest of your life to be tied down. Find out what you want and who you are. Also, he’s 19! He doesn’t seem mature enough or experienced enough to think past his own pleasure. Time for you to be selfish. If you want to try to still make it work, maybe you should be more direct and tell him what you want and how you want it. And once you get yours, leave him begging for it and deny him. Then ask how it feels to be left wanting. 😏

  16. There’s like 10 of these posts every week and it’s sad.

    OP, the advice is always the same. Communicate your lack of pleasure to him and if he doesn’t listen, leave. But it sounds like you’ve already tried and he hasn’t changed, so you can take that to mean he doesn’t care about your pleasure aka he doesn’t care about you. What are you even getting out of having sex with this guy? Sounds like a completely one sided relationship where you’re his sexdoll 💀 Trust me you can find a much better bf that loves your vagina and loves to make you feel good, unlike this loser.

  17. The number of posts I see about this kind of shit is TOO DAMN HIGH.


    GIRL. HE LITERALLY SAID HE DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR VAGINA OR YOUR PLEASURE. Move on. There are dudes out there who will give a shit and want to reciprocate fully. Drop this pile and move on. Do not reward that selfishness with giving him more sex. FFS.

  18. At 19 you need to move on And let him grow up. At 19 you need to work on yourself and not him

  19. If this is happening after 7 months, it’s only going to get worse. I’d move in before you invest anymore time.

  20. Quit giving him pleasure don’t worry about it just tell I cum before you cum

  21. Be honest with him. Your not good in bed do you wanna learn to be better? If he doesn’t your never gonna get better from him.

  22. Don’t continue letting yourself be used by that selfish guy, you deserve a better boyfriend who cares about your needs.

  23. Oh man, to be young and naive again. Honey, leave his ass. If he doesn’t even *like* a very important piece of you then what’s the point of being with him? Even if you will be alone for a little while you can get yourself off. Sounds much better than dealing with that dumbass.

  24. leave him. your only dating for a few months. happened to me once, after our break up i felt used and realised i got raped bcs we did it when i told him no.

    being with him and you not being able to cum, seems like he made you as a sex toy. leave him

  25. Don’t take this wrong but if he doesn’t like vaginas he might be a closet gay. And if it’s the taste for going down put surround wrap over the top and get won’t have to taste a thing but feel it all. If he’s not willing to change get a different boyfriend. It’s not your job to settle or fix him

  26. First of all, I want to point something out. The vast majority of women cannot orgasm from penetration alone regardless of the time spent doing so. With that said, my advice to all women is to never date a man who doesn’t eat pussy.

    I know oral isn’t the only viable avenue to provide an orgasm for women.. but ultimately the way I see it: most (all?) men wouldn’t be happy with or stick around for a relationship where they only received handjobs or the use of a fleshlight/sleeve during sex with their partner. So why should women settle for just a hand or toy when they have sex with their partner (which would be the equivalent)? An orgasm/penetration is the normal expectation of sex for men. The normal expectation of sex for women should be orgasm/oral.

    Obviously you shouldn’t push a guy to do it if he doesn’t want to, but I also don’t think you should stick around either. Sex should be about pleasure for both men and women, with both having the expectation of an orgasm.. at least some of the time. You _never_ receive an orgasm with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend _doesn’t even try_ to use his hand/toy on you, and I don’t even see that as the bare minimum.. which means he’s doing _less_ than the bare minimum. You deserve more than selfishness, laziness, and lack of effort. Please don’t waste your precious time on a man like this.

  27. Have I missed something here? You’ve been together SEVEN months, he hasn’t put any effort in, he hasn’t made you cum yet you make sure he’s always satisfied!!!

    Why are you still with him?

    When you’re 18 and single you don’t have any excuse to stay with a person like that.

    Are you waiting for authorisation from Redditors to leave him?

    Some advice… dump him ASAP, then go and get some therapy or help to understand why your self worth is so low!
    You deserve a lot better than him!

  28. Find a different boyfriend.

    His selfishness, lack of consideration, and laziness in bed will lead to the same in other parts of life. At any age, you don’t need that shit but especially at only 18.

    Hetero men like vaginas – lesbians too – even a few straight women are willing to give it the old college try. Move on. You deserve and will have better.

  29. Ok, so big advise that I had to learn the hard way:

    If you stay with someone who doesn’t care about your pleasure it’s because you dont care about your pleasure.

  30. I really dont like that Reddit behavior of saying you should move on and red flag and stuff like that, but I have to admit, you need to leave, this makes no sense in my eyes. You shouldn’t get toys you should get a better bf bro

  31. Throw the whole man out. He won’t get better with age. My dad gave me great advice when I was a teenager. My mom died young, so it was on him to give me the talk. He said, “play the field, but be selective”. He didn’t mean, selective as a low body count, he meant it as, don’t be afraid to walk away if its not working for you. He also told me, if I spend a lot of time with a man, without the physical connection i would want, that man is a friend, and I should always feel ok about saying I need more, this isn’t working for me. It’s not selfish to know what you want, and take nothing less. It was good advice, I feel fine asking for what I want, and if it doesn’t happen, I’m OK walking away. It’s not our job to fix them.

  32. He doesn’t like vaginas. He just wants to get off and then have nothing to do with them…

    As someone who thought I was straight for years, I used to feel this way about sex with men. It felt good while a dick was inside me, but afterwards I really didn’t want to touch it at all.

    I know it’s probably unlikely, but there’s a possibility that your boyfriend might be gay without realising.

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