TL;DR: says it’s cause she has to watch her memaw but her dad is literally 10 seconds away from her. Says she misses me but doesn’t attempt or try to see me.

So yeah… this girl will say she’s lonely, sad, feeling bad & says she misses me… but she NEVER makes time for me… when it comes to her friend or something coming up she’ll spend her weekend doing that or with them, making it where I don’t see her for 2 weeks..! I don’t understand. I even say I’d happily visit her instead & I’ll get a “that’s nice of you honey, you don’t need to do that, it’s late” like seriously. I feel lead on…

  1. Actions speak louder than words. Her actions are telling you she has no interest in you.

  2. She just refuses to make herself available but I’m also not trying to say she isn’t interested.

    I think you have case of what I call dead@ss cause We all have had that one friend in life that anchors themselves in one spot in life and sits at home and finds reasons to stay at home so this is the kind of girl that refuses to drive cause the road is wet from a sprinkle or says she can’t cause there family is cooking even though they eat 7 days a week but will go visit her girlfriend and leave u hanging in a heartbeat.

    The truth is she isn’t making her self available and once a week is not too much to ask for, I’ve had my dad’s dad live with us to his end days so I’m just not buying it cause even I had to take him to the VA weekly and all he did was watch TV if that’s not considered babysitting unless her grandma is at the point where she could hurt herself but that didn’t effect my dating life at all.

    I think u just need to tell her that she is never available and if you won’t let me see you than we might as well just remain what we are and just be chat buddys.

  3. If someone is that interested in you, they’ll move heaven and earth to see you whenever they can. Take this as the sign it is: she’s not that into you.

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