I just saw this today and…holy shit. This guy has had a weird life.

  1. He’s a strange dude. His movies are really bad and his appearance on SNL is infamously awful.

    I have no strong opinion on him but that article is super weird.

    How he has any expertise to speak on the subject is beyond me but that is also par for the course with celebrities.

  2. Under Siege is a great movie.

    Beyond that…I don’t know what to tell you. The dude is weird.

  3. He’s a fat mystery wrapped in a stupid enigma. Who is apparently the official guardian of the daughter of some Tibetan Lama.

    And incredibly entertaining but not for the reasons he thinks he is. My first deep dive into how strangely comical that weird potato shaped motherfucker is was a JonTron video.

    Prior to that I only knew him from his movies, the Gene LeBell pants-shitting incident, and the fact that he seemed like the embodiment of what your drunk uncle thinks a tough guy is.

  4. Dude is completely nuts. The best thing to come from him was the spoof character on Mad TV.

  5. He seems like a colossal piece of shit. Self deluded on a whole nuthur level. I suspect that no one loves him and he loves no one and the part of his brain that should care about that is just missing.

  6. Steven Segall at his peak was a meme before memes were a thing. Now he’s a washed up meme, which is just sad

  7. I have a soft spot for him because his movies were some of me and my dad’s faves. Fire down below, under siege, hard to kill etc were my childhood.

    Even hearing his name makes me think of my dad, miss him so much. I think he’d call him a “nut”’if he were still here tho. Glad he didn’t see one of his faves go down like this

  8. He’s just one of those weird dudes who exists in the overlap between martial arts, movies, self-promotion, and self-delusion. Like a pro wrestler, maybe? A couple of his movies, like Executive Decision and Under Siege, are good. What he does with his life doesn’t really concern me.

  9. He’s always been seen as a B-movie actor that wasn’t as big or likeable as, say, a Van Damme.

    Afterward, he had some issues that made him more enemies than friends. Very arrogant and unlikeable personality. Lot of fake macho BS, from martial arts to police work to pretending he had connections when he didn’t.

    Now, he seems to be sucking up to Putin.

  10. I don’t really have an opinion of him. I don’t think I’ve seen any of his movies.

  11. He wants to be an important big shot rather than fade into obscurity so bad he makes up whatever he thinks sounds impressive. He’s definitely crazy. If he’s actually a spokesperson than Russia doesn’t realize no one at least in the US takes him seriously. If he’s just spouting off than this is just another trying but failing to be important stunt.

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