My wife (35f) and I (37m) have been married for 14 years and have a really strong and healthy marriage. I have always had a much lower sex drive then her. It was a hard thing early on in our marriage. We used to have sex twice a week. She would have sex twice a day if I could. Through exercise, getting rid of some stress and eating healthy I have increased my drive. We are now having sex about 6 times a week. I just cannot go twice a day for whatever reason. I can tell she wants more well because she asks for more. I would love to be able to fulfill all her needs. I’ve tried everything I can think of. Any ideas? I am willing to try supplements but am wary of side effects.

  1. First, 6 times a week is pretty frequent. You don’t always have to have PIV. You could do oral or use toys on her, if you want to be intimate with her without having PIV sex.
    Edit: you don’t always have to sex. It’s totally ok to say no and it has nothing to do with your man hood.

  2. Six times a week is SUBSTANTIALLY above average, and for a guy whose libido is naturally lower it’s practically superhuman!

    It’s nice that your wife enjoys sex with you so much that she wants you even more and nice that you’re trying to think of ways to meet her needs even more, but honestly she really needs to kind of back off and repress such requests or thoughts unless initiated by you. You have met her far beyond halfway, and she runs the risk (even if you’re not thinking this now) of stoking some resentment in you that nothing you do to satisfy her libido is good enough.

  3. I can’t remember the name offhand, but I think there’s a sex toy company or a kit you can buy to make a dildo out of a cast of your penis. That could be a fun alternative when you’re down to satisfy her but your member isn’t recharged quite yet.

  4. Is she being sexually satisfied each time? If she is just naturally high-libido I agree with what others have said here and you are meeting her where she is and I think it should be enough. But there may be something else going on where she is not truly getting the release?

  5. You don’t have to come each time.

    When I’ve had partners with a higher drive than myself, I might only come every second or third time.

    It’s invigorating to have sex, without coming. You can feel the sexual energy coursing through your body.

    Give it a try, see if this works for you

  6. Foreplay and toys!!! I try to get mine off at least twice before I ever get in!!!! I have ZERO hangups about dildos vibrators, and oral, and fantasy dirty talk. So if I’ve already came and struggling to get the drive back that’s what the toys and my tongue are for!!!

  7. You don’t and that’s ok, you don’t need to. Suggest maybe other options that you both would like that don’t involve PIV. Also if you don’t want to do it don’t do it. The last thing you wanna do is make sex a chore, more often than not there are mismatched libidos in relationships, that’s ok and you guys have a frequency that’s pretty high, don’t try to do something that makes sex or sexual acts into a chore.

  8. Just add toys, lots of toys you can use on her. It’ll get her off and getting her off will get you excited

  9. You may qualify to start testosterone therapy, which may have been the issue the whole time. If you do, things will be very different.

  10. i would recommend penis enhancement pills. Really does make you feel like a superhuman

  11. Maybe buy her a vibrator or some toys if she’s open to it. She could have some private time to give you a little break

  12. Don’t fall for the supplement scams, a root of some sort from old asian medicine wont make you hornier, the only supplements that would help in this case are actual hormones or dopamine agonists etc, which obviously comes with side effects. But at 37 you might want to check your testosterone levels, might be time to get on TRT anyway if your unlucky

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