I thought I needed to lose weight because I gained a lot of weight after going through stress and traumatic times. He let me know that he loves me just the way I am and I don’t have to change a thing. Every morning he reminds me how beautiful I am and how blessed he is to have me in his life. every morning I wake up with a smile after reading his messages. he said he fell in love with my soul. We always write each other long love notes but from our heart and soul.

  1. This made me smile. Sounds like you two have a lovely relationship. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You go girl! I totally feel this though, as my husband is the exact same way. Where I see a flaw, he does a gesture that makes me forget all about it.

  3. My husband is much the same. So wonderful to see other great men out there.

  4. My husband accepting me and not making me feel about about fat helped me lose weight. I did it at my own pace for ME and it’s been great. It’s nice to not be pressured constantly.

  5. You should have nailed him for being superficial with the beautiful part. Sure, take care of yourself and try to look your best..then act like you don’t even know its a factor.

  6. He’s got it figured out. It’s the soul. Looks are superficial. You got a good one but you already knew that 😉

  7. Own, that’s so awesome! It’s definitely something to be deeply grateful for, people don’t really understand what that means nowadays and it is a pretty sad reality.

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