What is a sexist behavior you have been taught as a child and still negatively impacts your life?

  1. None, they usually are just positives

    If anything things get dicey when I DON’T have sexist behavior, because whether or not they say it, females usually expect the special treatment

  2. I’m not sure if it’s really “sexist” but growing up with the expectation that men are supposed to be providers for their families/spouses and any man that isn’t bankrolling his SO’s lives is a bum has fucked with my self esteem. At times I’ve felt like I had to put my dating life/happiness on hold until I could make more money to feel “ready” to date and even when I am dating someone there’s a little voice in the back of my head sometimes telling me that she’s going to leave me for someone with more money that can make her happier.

    Even worse is that I’m in the top 5% by annual income for my age, live in a nice apartment by myself, and have my life pretty together. I have no reason to be insecure about money but it’s constantly on my mind.

  3. All sexist behavior.

    When determining general traits about a group, that should only be applied when talking/ thinking about the group.

    As soon as there is a perspective shift from group to Individual all previous notion about said group should be thrown aside and the individual should be assessed in order to combat confirmation biases and other mental pitfalls.

    Puting people firmly into categories and not factoring personal change and growth. Is what I was taught.

  4. There were both positives and negatives to this, but I was taught that boys aren’t supposed to cry or be afraid and would be punished for doing so.

  5. i don’t know if this is ‘sexist’ exactly because i was told to apply it to both men and women, but growing up i was taught by the adults in my life to slutshame anyone whom i perceived as a slut. i’m trying to un-learn that lesson from my childhood, but it’s a challenge. i still find myself unintentionally slutshaming both men and women.

  6. Being taught that looking at porn means you’re a rapist. This was a common feminist doctrine in the eighties.

    These pictures objectify women engaged in sex acts.

    No woman would willingly be objectified.

    Therefore they are victims forced into these sex acts by men.

    And we know what forcing women into sex acts is don’t we?


    Only rapists are aroused by rape.

    If you are turned on by porn, you are a rapist.

    This ruined any chance of a normal, healthy sex life.

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