Women of reddit, when was the first time you felt at peace and everything was going to be okay?

  1. i have no idea, i used to live in a very stressful environment and i’d get those weird moments of relief where i would sit outside, drink some coffee and just think to myself “everything is going to be okay”. nothing beats that

  2. Before I turned 12. I’m 35 now. I’m always on some kind of stress since because things are definitely never 100% okay.

  3. When I left my parents’ home and moved by myself to another country.

    I have a good relationship with my parents, but the peace of living alone was unmatched. I have never been happier.

  4. About 6 months ago – I finally moved out of my abusive family home and decided to cut all contact with them.

    It’s a very bizarre – but peaceful – feeling to wake up and live my life without being bullied or harassed.

    It’s as if I’ve left a prison.

  5. There was one day specifically in 2020 before I got married that always comes to mind when I thought of when I was last extremely happy and at peace. I remember being so happy I almost cried. There was a day I went hiking in 2021 and I twisted my ankle coming down but that day was a particular type of peace that I don’t think I’ll ever forget

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