Long story short – close friend left relationship early April. Now, here are the few times where I can’t understand if she literally rejected me (like never gonna happen) or the timing wasn’t right:

1. Back in December I had talk with her that I can’t be just a friend cause I really really like her and I can’t see future where we go out and there is another guy/talk about a guy she likes. She returned with ” I can’t do anything for us right now since I’m in a relationship, if I wasn’t maybe things would’ve been different for us but I can’t tell what will happen in the future ” – would love opinion on these words!
2. Few weeks ago we argued about something ( can’t remember what exactly ) but overall she mentioned that she sees that I have feelings/value her but right now she needs time for herself and something like “she’s enough for herself right now”.
3. She’ve shared that one of her colleagues asked her out and she was pretty mad because she left relationship recently and this guy already tried to do something on her.

Now, please give me your opinion on each point.. mostly on 1/2. Cause personally, rejection for me is strong NO, thing wont workout etc. Am I naive ? I guess she needs time for herself right?

Cause.. we are really close with each other, I don’t think she would lead me on and if she didn’t have any thoughts about a potential thing with me – she would’ve already told me/showed me and wouldn’t give me that much attention.

  1. I wouldn’t waste another second on her to be honest. She wants to be single so let her be single, you go live your life and find someone else that isn’t all messed up in the head like this girl. You don’t have to make a big speech to her, just drop off the face of the earth. She’s not worth the effort and wasted time I promise!

  2. She’s not into you. I’m sorry.. she’s not outwardly saying that. But she’s letting you know she won’t ever be dating you.
    You need to decide to either be her friend without ulterior motives. Or move on and make yourself happy.

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