There’s this girl, who was interested in me and we have been talking for the last 3 weeks. She’s sweet and open, as she doesn’t keep things. But she hasn’t been replying to me for the last 3 days.
You can say, she started to ghost me.
Did she find someone else? Or does she need some time?
I wanted her to be clear on this but still.
I don’t wanna text more as I don’t wanna sound desperate or creep.

1 comment
  1. Maybe she hates texting. I am talking to one who stinks at it (she told me it on our 2nd date). At the end of the day just keep it simple. Ask to call her or ask if she wants to go on a date. We set up calls to talk to each other.

    Life gets busy with us all. Just ask her out on another date.

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