TLDR: my girlfriends ex husband claims that she’s been telling him she’s convinced that I am cheating, and that we are always fighting.. when in reality our relationships been smoother recently than it ever has been. Don’t know whether or not to trust him.

So I’m in a but kf a weird situation. I M27 am in a relationship with my gf f28. We live together and have a newborn son, and her other 2 kids also live with us. I have recently become acquaintances with her ex-husband m30.

My relationship with her has been rocky. She’s def what many would consider a narcissist, that being said somehow things are starting to look up… however. Talking to her ex husband he’s been telling me that she is convinced I am cheating on her, that she says we are always fighting. He also says that she tends to make alot of sexual comments around him and is generally flirtatious when they exchange the kids (they co parent)
He very well may be lying, but part of me knows there’s often some truth in a lie.

Knowing her she very well might just be saying these just to get him to pay attention to her for her own entertainment, but idk. I don’t know him as well, he seems genuine. But he also went to jail 2 separate times for PFMA charges when they were together.

With me and my gf lately our relationship hasn’t been too bad recently. Minimal fights, enjoyable date nights, and plenty of affection. But if she’s saying this stuff to him, it’s just odd.

Gunna sound pathetic but I’m kinda afraid to confront her about this… if our relationship is getting back on track I don’t wanna tip the boat so to speak. And he could be lying, although I’m not sure what he’s got to gain. She has told me that if I can’t trust her than she doesn’t want to be with me, so I’m kinda sketched out to demonstrate that I’m doubting her. I don’t think she’s trying to get back together with him, but somthing just seems off, like she’s trying to find a reason for us to have conflict in order to recieve attention from others. This would not be out of character for her.

1 comment
  1. >She has told me that if I can’t trust her than she doesn’t want to be with me, so I’m kinda sketched out to demonstrate that I’m doubting her

    she is pre-emptively gaslighting you before she cheats on you. She is regretting leaving her husband and is trying to get back with him. If not, she is a drama queen and is addicted to “the chase” of a new relationship. I dunno dude, I’d start preparing for separation.

    Does her husband want her back? Who initiated the divorce? I feel bad for your newborn.

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