Hey I 36m am engaged to my gf30f of 7 years, when we first met things were amazing we fell hard for eachother. But we both came with baggage I had real trust issues from being randomly dump by my gf of 3 years for literally no reason other then said she wasn’t happy , only to be msgged by her 10 years later apologizing. Then to be cheated on by following gf of 4 years , which led me to my current fiance now. Her on the other hand has had it much worse , she was groomed by a much older man when she was young who then abused horribly for over 2 years to then move on to the next 2 following relationships cheat on her one of which was by her sister. So she’s been through hell and I knew all this and tried my hardest to help and understand. But neither of us were qualified to navigate that sort of trauma and get her the help she needed. So to try and keep this short there came a moment where she was really hurt doing something she loves doing. And I asked if she was willing to risk our future together and keep doing it , and she wasn’t going to stop. Which then in turn caused me to retract and feel like she’s not in this as much as I am cause of my past issues. Which took the form of withdrawing from the relationship emotionally and physically slowly to the point where there was none at all. I didn’t know how to fix it and didn’t see at the time that I was at fault and causing the disconnect so I was seeking attention and did things I am not proud of. She has always been an extremely busy person and there were times I had to fight to get any real time with her even though we live together and that compounded my feelings she wasn’t in it. Fast forward a few years we always love eachother and covid hits she has to work from home for 2 years making her feel isolated and not loved by me . Which then leads to her seeking validation from a stranger online having felt unattractive or not desired by me for so long because of my disconnect. Well I found this out and we love eachother so much we agree to try and work on it. Knowing that my neglect pushed her to feel that way and that I have done things , who am i to draw the line at her doing it as well. I just don’t know are doing the right thing or is there a point of no return ? I love her to death but is that enough?

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