Dads, what was the reason you wanted kids? Is parenthood what you expected?

  1. Kids are instant meaning. Parents don’t experience existential despair. Kids are the closest thing we have to immortality. There wasn’t much else to do and I always liked kids. Kids are hilarious.

  2. I enjoyed mentoring and teaching. Also loved having a dog. It was work but I enjoyed it and thought having kids would be the same.

    Got three kids, and the dog, and loving it. In a sense it’s very much like owning a dog. You put in time and work but you don’t mind because you love the dog. In other ways it’s very different, but the basics are the same. I put in work and I get out. Love and happiness and fulfillment. Ymmv.

  3. I didn’t want to get married or have kids for a long time. The right partner happened and that was all it took.

    Parenting can be difficult, but it is what it is. Probably a little less sleep than expected, but other than that, pretty spot on.

  4. I don’t think my dad ever wanted kids but just went along with it because my mum did and it was the done thing at the time.

    As grateful as I am to be alive I consider that to be really irresponsible and will never agree to having kids unless I really want to be a father.

  5. I was pretty neutral on the subject of kids. If I had them I had them. If I didn’t I didn’t. Wife was the same. Well she ended up pregnant 3 times. Now we have 2 kids and twins on the way.

    Parenthood is and isn’t what I expected. I knew it would be hard, but holy cow does my toddler daughter not listen and does the weirdest shit imagineable. And I have to watch my ankles around my 1 year old son, he’ll go for your ankles. Ouch. Also I’m the only parent my son poops his diaper on. Not fair.

    Don’t get me wrong. I love being a Dad and don’t regret having kids but, holy cow. I can’t lie when there some moments my daughter makes me go “what the fuck-“

  6. I love kids and I want to carry on the family.

    It’s more fun than I thought it would be.

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