What would the world look like if every law had to run by you instead of the government?

  1. – Abortion would be readily available, clinics would be as common as McDonald’s
    – permanent and semi permanent birth control methods would be available to everyone at 18 years old
    – parents would be informed of all curriculum taught in school and would have the option to live stream the classroom to see what’s happening in class
    – there would be no sexual agendas targeted towards children. Not in the classroom or in cartoons.
    – Gas prices would not beable go up drastically from 1 day to the next. 5 cent cap/day

  2. Absolute chaos because I’m the worst. I’d procrastinate, play favorites, pretend I didn’t get the email, etc.

  3. i’m currently not living in the united states but im pretty happy with how denmarks government is being run (because of free healthcare, better infrastructure, and education) despite the taxes being high. If i were to move back to the us, Because of roe v wade, i would definitely make abortion legal. Its sad to see how so many women are suffering because of it being overturned. Other than that i wouldnt make a good leader tbh LOL

  4. Loud motorcycles would be banned. I don’t care about the “they need to be loud to be seen by cars” argument. You don’t get to cause innocent people auditory pain because you decided to take an unnecessary risk. Freedom doesn’t harm innocent people.

  5. This doesn’t specify a location so I assume the whole world is my jurisdiction. So everything would be more uniform… eventually. I’m not naive enough to think I can just change laws drastically in one region and have everyone listen. I would want to read each line of legislation with a line item veto to remove pork. And I would want to beef up regulation departments and watch dog groups to ensure compliance. My first changes would be brutal, but gradual. I would redefine minimum wage as a derivative of GDP by country, and give everyone 5 years to move into compliance gradually. Top pay/owner’s take would be limited as a multiple of the least paid worker in the company- something like no more than 10x. If you pay someone $20 an hour, you can’t extract value from your company greater than $200/hour. And that includes benefit perks, cars etc.

    I think that would be enough upheaval in itself to make the markets go insane. But I’d also focus on replacing for-profit prisons with work-rehabilitation programs where prisoners still earned minimum wage, but those wages were automatically used as 50% reparations for victims and the rest divided into savings/distribution to family members. So incarcerated parents could still contribute to their children’s life, and actually walk out of prison with a lump sum to start over with, and a skill.

    I would also change subsidies for corn and sugar and subsidize vegetables and other healthier foods or low water crops. No more easy corn syrup in everything. Cheaper veggies.

    Also in my fantasy world I get to control, all guns everywhere would get the equivalent of a seatbelt, and remote shut off. Didn’t go do compliance training? Oh, your gun has been bricked until you come in. Mental health screening missed? Bricked. Someone else picked it up? Our phones have Touch ID, why not our guns? A safe is nice but just in case, don’t set your toddler up with access.

  6. Life would be a lot simpler and uniform across the world, luxuries taken away from the happy few to accommodate the poor.

  7. I would stall every law until I could properly research it and talk to to a wide range of groups on how it would impact them. I would then ask about common sense modifications of the law and do my best to make those changes. Then I would present the law to the public and put the law to public vote instead of just using legal representatives to push it through.

    I don’t know if this would make thing better or worse, but I at least know I wouldn’t be acting recklessly.

  8. Everything would fall to pieces because the responsibility would have me hiding in a cupboard crying my eyes out lol

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