Hello. Like the title says, I’m terrified of pregnancy. I’m a 19f and have never been pregnant but the thought of it has led me to do some strange things. Even if deep down I know I’m not, and haven’t been having sex I freak out. If I watch something and a character is pregnant, see a baby/children, hear a mom talk about their kids, think about sex or any other instance where pregnancy is involved I panic. I have to take multiple pregnancy tests (I’ve done this while on my period too). Even when the result is negative I still feel like I’m pregnant.
It’s always low grade anxiety that I can’t stop. I’ll go through periods where I lightly poison myself with herbs/pills, hit myself or use force with blunt objects up myself to try and induce a miscarriage.
It’s not always that intense but still i think about it a few times a day when it’s not. I don’t know what to do to feel better, and any advice would be very appreciated. Thank you.

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