When there’s another person hanging around or just causally in the corner of my eye. I use to fear being judged and ive always just been a shy person btw 16/m

I use to find it hard to talk to people becuase as soon as i fuck up or feel embarrassed i tend to make it more awkward to find a way out of the conversation.

I basically did that all the way till grade 10 now I’ve got no freinds except for some people i know but i haven’t really gotten any proper freinds or freind groups. I’ve always just hung out with this guy who was just as big as a loser as i was/am. Now that he is popular and in a more superior position then me im now truly alone.

The last few months ive been dwelling over the fact that i fucked up not making freinds at a younger age. One of my or what i feel is one of my many problems is the fear of changing. I feel like if i change everyone is just think its weird an shit.

I’ve sorta lost my fear of judgement because now i can be oblivious to my outside surroundings but i find it difficult when talking in a group becuase i can almost say anything to the person im talking to bit then i worry about what the other person is thinking.

Idk what to do

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