Does my (27f) bf (28m) show toxic beaviours?

I’m sorry in advance for my english as it is’nt my first langage. Also it will be a long read as i have so much questions.

I (27f) reconnect with my ex bf (28m) from 10 years some time ago. We fell in love again and decide to try again for a relation 3 months ago. In the beginning everything was fine. He even was so sweet with my 2 yo daughter from a previous relation. However, my life isn’t easy at the moment. He began to complain about our sex life. Saying that he didn’t have enought even if we make love about 2 or 3 times a week. Then he said he hate that it was always in the evening. He even compared our couple to the couple of his friend ! I did make some effort to change things but I also explained to him that I have a lot of stress right now, and that can be why it was like that. He also complained about my bad caracter. I do have a bad caracter and said to him that I was willing to put some work on it for our good. We had a fight 2 weeks ago related to sex and he decide to quit my home and said we’ll talk later. We did talk that evening and he said that the elastic is stretched and that I overreacted. I said to him that I understand all that and I will make an effort for my bad caractere. He also said to me that sometimes, it better to let things cool down before we talk. I agreed. So Fast forward to last sathurday, We had a nice time together and end up having sex. When he finished, he said he was to tired to go down on me and will do it tomorrow morning, wich he know that I hate Morning Sex. I was mad as we lay in bed, he’s back facing mine. I got up, took some pillow and cover and went to the living room to sleep on the couch because I was mad that he complained so much about sex but when he had his fun and left me half satisfied. He then came to talk to me. He said are you really sleeping on the couch. I said to him that I need to cool off and that we’ll talk tomorrow. The next day, i call him in the evening to talk about it. He said that it wasn’t ok and that means that every next fight I’ll sleep on the couch? He never want to find a solution and sort thing out and I think he was drunk. I then said that I’m tired of him always complaining. That if I lost my temper, it wasn’t ok for him. That if I go somewhere else to cool down, It wasn’t ok ether. That he did the same to me one day to what he said that I deserved that he wentr sleeping on the couch. I also said I was tired of walking on eggshells and that i deserve someone who will fight for us and stop saying that I always overreact when I’m living throught my emotion. I also said that I need to think about all that. I also said that I Think that he want to leave me just because of that. He said I was wrong to think that.

I did think a lot about all that, but I’m left with so much question. I don’t know if i should put more effort in this relation or if there are some toxic beaviours showing.


tldr My (27f) bf ( 28m) always ask me to change and making me walk on eggshell as i’m scared he will broke up with me.

  1. …so he’s telling you that you’re a bad person who needs fixing? That right there would put him to the curb for me. Not okay. You don’t like me? Fine, date someone you do.

  2. If it’s like this 3 months in it won’t get better. It will only get worse. He rakes no responsibility for his actions and his part and always shifts responsibility to you. This relationship is extremely unhealthy and I worry for the safety and well-being of you and your daughter

  3. You have already put in enough effort. Time for him to become ex again and for you to move on.

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