My (27F) one sister (25F) cheated with our other sister’s (25F – they are non-identical twins) boyfriend (26M) while they were still dating. They broke up more than a year ago and the cheating came to light about a week after. They were dating for over 3 years and the cheating has apparently (at that time) been going on for about a year.

The cheating sister is still “secretly” seeing the boyfriend (we all know she sees him, she tries to hide it but it’s hard to hide when we all live close to one another). The sister who was cheated on is still in contact with the cheating sister, because they live together and they originally had a tight bond (being twins and all). Neither myself, the sister who was cheated on, nor our parents don’t approve this “relationship”. We all keep trying to get the cheating sister to stop contacting the guy, but she doesn’t want to because “they love each other”.

We all live in the same city. We can’t just escape the situasion. I have no idea how to accept/cope with this.

Can anyone give me advice on how to process the situation. It makes me so sad and angry that I can’t seem to do anything. Is there anyone who had to deal with a cheating sibling? Your advice would be appreciated.

  1. A thesis on family disfunction .

    Do nothing , it’s not about you.

    Your value is exactly that you weren’t involved

    Be the something other than the scandal.

  2. Ask the backstabbing twin sister how she is going to make things right with her sister that she betrayed? She needs to understand that she committed a horrible betrayal and she is at fault for doing so and it is on her to take ownership for her choices and actions and take responsibility for the horrible act she committed and its her responsibility alone to make things right. Also tell her that she’s “in love” with a cheater who will cheat on her some day too.

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