I have struggled with somethings in my past and I feel like I am rebuilding my life rn. I have a handful of people I will see a handful of times a year but otherwise I cant seem to make friends. Another problem I have is girls. I am a 25 yo male and if I am trying to just be friends I feel like when I ask females to hangout they will think I’m some kinda creep or asking them out. Am I just overthinking this? Also how often should people text each other or post to social media? I feel like I’m either too quite or talk to much and am bothering people. I have tried therapy and it helped my depression it did not help in this way tho. I did therapy for 2 years.
Lastly I struggle with rejection, any tips on how to get better or to better handle rejection would be appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Rejection-> There’s 8 billion people in this world, if one rejects you then onto the next person.

    Making friends-> This usually stems from self esteem, if you feel positive about yourself then thats the energy you will give out. This can both attract and repel people who you interact with.

    Texting-> I mean texting 24/7 is something that i would prevent. I prefer to talk on the phone or facetime people, this will show another persons true reaction to something.

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