I’m hoping to see fun stuff… Curious about what you spend your money on for fun. Or do you barely have any money left and the end of the month?

  1. Yarn.. I have a serious addiction.. Also, clothes and accessories to keep my looks fresh. Make up in different colors. Every once in a while I make my one meal a day something cool like sushi. Video games can sometimes also be a money pit.

  2. Beach stuff! Boogie boards, wetsuits, various beachy supplies for myself and my family. 🙂

  3. Concerts, clothes, skincare/makeup/beauty treatments, video games, and food/drinks. I’m by no means rich, though, so I pick and choose what I want to prioritize each month.

  4. Formula One merchandise. I’m currently turning my house into an F1 shrine so a lot of money has been spent on models of cars, canvases etc 🙂

  5. Booze and other stimulants. Plants and gardening supplies. The occasional techno night out.

  6. Food is #1 because I’m a foodie! After that is clothes but I really have cut down since becoming more conscious of fast fashion and the environment. I thrift a lot too.

  7. I like to buy and sell Magic the Gathering cards.

    I buy them in lots then sort them, grade them, and sell them.

    People think I make money off it but I really don’t, I just have so much fun doing it and I break even so it’s fine.

  8. i just bought 2 bags, stuff for my cricut to make family shirts for vacation, some new bathing suits. random things. i also go out to eat 🙂

  9. Going out with friends, usually to new restaurants one of us hasn’t tried. It is super fun trying something new or showing someone something they have never seen before.

  10. Fun money is rare these days.

    I tend to spend it on:
    Videogames, TTRPGs, movies, map assets, going out with friends, books, etc

  11. I have a bit of impulse control issues when it comes to shopping, although I’m working through it with my therapist now so things are much much better.

    I tend to buy books, video games, and craft supplies. Video games and books I almost always buy used because it’s cheaper so why not. Craft supplies…depends on the craft. For doll making I’ll buy old beat up barely hanging on monster high dolls so that I can change them up and customize them, and get lots of people’s scrap fabric because when you only need like six square inches of fabric for a top it’s silly to buy it from a fabric store. For yarn or paints, I prefer new stuff, it’s too much of a crapshoot when buying those used.

  12. Clothes and toys that have my favorite shows or characters on them. Video games. I’m basically a 13 year old with adult money.

  13. Pantyhose and anjou pears. I can feel my pulse quicken when I slide out the fruit drawer in my fridge and grasp a ripe pear.

    I waste time and money shopping for nylons and get about 5 pairs a week, sometimes a lot more, sometimes not at all. I love em because of the compression and they make tired legs not tired.

    Also, I bought a house so I am going to be eating dryer lint for the next month. $400k foof gone which an alarming figure because it is all cash.

  14. Fabric, lots and lots of fabric. For cosplay and more and more “normal” clothing. Though atm I have a stricter monthly budget, but my birthday is coming up in September so I’ll spent my birthday money on more fabric.

  15. Other than bills my biggest expense is take out. It’s difficult to be motivated to cook for myself, since it’s just me. But I’m trying very hard to not do it as much.

    other than that, it’s candles and dog stuff, lol.

  16. Lattes, food, books, outtings with friends, usually it’s just a restaurant and drinks, board games

  17. Books, piano sheet music, watercolour paper, clothes, videogames, quality food and ingredients, shows, boardgames, going out to eat, bubble tea, camping holidays, pub trips…

  18. Plants. Plant pots. Cat toys. Socks because once they go in the laundry, they are never seen again. Clothes from eBay. But soon that will be ending as my car is on its way out and I need a new one 🥲

  19. I’m subscribed to 12 different comic series at my local comic store so I spend at least $30 sometimes more on my monthly stories.

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