When talking about you, he only mentions your breasts and how you look during sex.

Then he says, “see, I think about you and write about you. I care about you.”

Because during therapy, when asked what he liked about you, he couldn’t answer. So this was his proof.

How would you feel? How would you handle that?

  1. I would feel deeply unseen, uncared for, and frankly disturbed that the best he could think about to describe his wife are things he could just as easily say to describe a porn star. Is that all you are? It’s all you are to this man. You’ve been posting about your husband for the past year – has anything changed? I really think you need to stop asking other people how they would feel, and ask yourself how YOU feel. Are you happy being viewed this way by your husband? Are you happy in your marriage? How does his blatant disregard for you make you feel? And do you want to continue feeling this way and stay married to him, or do you want to make a change?

  2. Is he a bad romance writer? Because this sounds like the thing I read in those trashy romance books. Woman says how kind, driven and ambitious her lover is and man describes her as “lush” and “pink” after sex and the shape of her boobs in the morning sunshine. Maybe he takes his cues about how to write about women in his journal from those male writers.

    Either way I would feel like a heroine in a bad Harlequin romance if my husband said that to me.

  3. I would feel like my only value to him was what I could do for his penis and it would make me feel disgust and very distanced from him.

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