Hey everyone, i need your advice on this,
i have a really wonderful girlfriend and we’ve been dating for almost a year now. But lately things are getting bad, we are becoming more distant, we cant date cuz we are in different countries now but still it never was a problem before. Our arguments are getting out of hand. I feel that she is changing and i feel that m changing too.
I have found myself a great person nevertheless and m not willing to let her go. I just need some advice on how to get closer again and have better arguments.
And if anyone is going through the same please share ur experiences and how it did end up for u

  1. I had a gf with whom arguments got more and more out of hand few years back. there was no rationality left at some point anymore, only toxicity. it ended with her screaming, throwing my stuff out the window.

    if it gets to a certain point, it‘s better to let it go and move on. a lot of stress, tears and misery will be spared.

  2. yesss keep on to her, if she doesn’t try to work on things / acknowledge that you guys are a TEAM and shows no improvement, then leave her – then you’ll know you at least fought for it as much as you could but ultimately the failure of the relationship was down to her

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