We met while trying to get into the acting industry (and miserably failed, lol)
At the time, I was roommates with my best friend, let’s call him Ryan (he’s also my age, we know each other since middle school) and he was in the modeling industry but we both always had the dream to act professionally (yes, we were improv kids, don’t judge)

Anyway, we started hanging out with, let’s call him Dave. I was 18, he was 24. I had a crush on him, but figured it’d be weird for us to date cuz… age gap. And he never sent romantic signals, we were like, drinking buddies. Except I couldn’t drink (wink wink) Me, Ryan and Dave hung out most of the time.

Flash-forward to me being 20. I started dating a guy that was 7 years older. Twenty year old me thought she was grown up and could date anyone without it being low-key problematic. Ryan hated this guy, so did my parents, Dave was indifferent to him. But of course, I was stupid soo we dated for three years before he wanted to settle down and I was like “Uhhhh I’m 23……” So we break up, I get a proper job instead of chasing dreams without any money. I move out of the flat we shared with Ryan. My life is turning out okay. Dave and I don’t really speak anymore due to our busy schedules.

Then, on my 24th bday, Dave calls and I invite him over to this party-ish thing of ours (with friends, cheap beer, y’know)
We flirt a bit, drink a bit… I’m thinking of maybe telling him about that crush of mine. And then it suddenly hits me. He’s going to turn 30 this year. And since my last long relationship with an age gap turned out amazingly (!) I decide not to initiate anything between us and instead just be friends.

It’s been three years since then. I’m gonna turn 27 real soon. And I’m thinking of… trying it out?

He’s definitely been sending signals for the last year. I’m sure. I just don’t want to a)lose a friend and b)break my heart because i tried dating someone older again.

He’s so amazing. Everything I’ve ever wanted in a man, he’s it. We both went through hard times where we didn’t know what to do. I feel like I relate to him on a different level. His jokes, his laugh, his everything (yeah it doesn’t help that he’s gorgeous) … I just dunno. Sometimes I can’t help but feel like I’m 20 again and just *feel* like I’m grown up.

Was there a lesson to learn? Am I ignoring that lesson and just tryna be unhappy again? Idk.

What do you think? Do you think it’s wrong for me to date him because we’re 6 years apart? I’m a mature person. *Woman*. But I don’t know guys, I need your help.

TL;DR: Would it be okay if I dated someone six years older? I do feel like I’ve grown enough but am I just kidding myself? Is it okay for a 27 y.o. to date a 33 y.o.?

  1. It’s a very normal age gap, yes it’s ok. You are very close to 30 yourself.

  2. you’re in your late 20s . your past the young adult age group which is 18-24 . Yes your stilL youngish but think about it , when you was 21 he was 26/27 which may seem like a age gap then but you are now 27.

  3. You’re presumably at similar stages of life, I don’t think 27 and 33 is nearly as big of a deal as something like 18 and 24

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