My(23M) 4 years girlfriend(23F) moved abroad to her medical college last December.

In June, she said that She is very stressed of her studies and depressed because she miss home and she hate life and because of that she doesn’t feel love for me. After that she didn’t say I love you even once and said she will talk to me like a friend.

Now she is talking normally without saying anything about love. After this, once she said she won’t leave me and she is trying to love me again.

I can see she is really going through a lot. But sometimes this sudden change in our relationship bothers me.
Apart from her reason i am imagining many reasons sometimes, like “is she cheating after she went”

But her college friends know I am her boyfriend. So I believe she is not doing any bad to me there.

But sometimes this bothers me.
Someone tell me “is her change and my hurt normal?”


Edit: I meant we are together for 4 years by “4 years girlfriend”

  1. Falling out of love is a thing. Is it possible to go visit her? If you can go to visit her bring some things she loves that you can only get where you guys are from. I know it hurts but there is not much you can do. She may not be cut out for long distance. It also seems you guys didnt talk how you would handle things while she is away.

  2. Bro she is too old for you and a hopeless case. Stop wasting time! Dump her ass, get your fitness on point, your money on point and do those thing because you want to. Then only will the girl you want be around you.

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