I (27M) grew up in a very conservative religious family, where sex was a taboo topic, abstinence was the only option until marriage and my sex ed consisted of whatever porn I snuck in my teens. I’m now 27, been married a year and a half, and expecting a baby in a few months. I had already begun questioning my worldview and upbringing while my wife and I were dating, and my views on sex and sexuality seem to be slowly shifting a little (I still identify as Christian, but I’m much less fundamental than my family). We tried our best to save it for marriage, but ended up fooling around with oral and fingering within a few weeks of dating and actually started having sex about a month and a half before we eloped (which i still feel kind of guilty about due to my upbringing, and I know she feels guilty about because she feels like she corrupted me). Our sex life is amazing and we are both very enthralled with each other, and we do talk openly about what we like and don’t like and I am slowly getting more comfortable discussing things like that (though she still says it’s easy to make me turn red when it comes up). I feel like it’s taken me way too long to start thinking for myself and work out what I feel, especially in regards to sex/sexuality. What kinds of things would be good to keep in mind while I figure all this stuff out?

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