Entering college in a new university, any tips on how can I have the right circle for me? A circle with good influences?

  1. Introduce yourself to as many people as possible so you have the most amount of people to choose from

  2. From experience I can tell you, take care of having a good mood and attitude during the first few days, because it’s usually then, that we create like 90% of lasting friendships during our entire college. So use this time wisely, interact with people, talk, ask, laugh and don’t hide in a corner, because it’s the “golden window”, when (almost) nobody knows anybody and people are generally in “I need friends” mode. After that it usually takes a hella lot of work on YOUR side to slide into already existing groups, whereas at the beginning you’re getting it “for free” and the friend-forming process tends to be more mutual. I’m not saying to became a school kluck or sth, but introducing yourself to several course mates and going for a beer with them after classes definitely won’t hurt.

    To give you some perspective, when I started my first college at the age of 19, I happened to start talking with two guys that were sitting just behind me on my first ever lecture. It was 10 years ago and one of them is still my best friend for life. Another example, during one of my later stints at the university I randomly sat with some girl during the introduction day, because I obviously didn’t know anybody. I ended up spending there only one year, but this girl became my best buddy there and we were spending most of the time together during/inbetween classes (not romantically, she was not my type and had a bf).

    When it comes to “Good Circle”, I believe it’s not about hanging out with the smartest/most talented or successful ones. It’s only important to feel good in their presence, have a lot to talk about and genuinely like them. They don’t have to be neither popular nor have good grades – a good mindset, values and a sense of humor matching yours are usually more than enough (But it doesn’t mean they are easy to find, just the opposite). Good luck.

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