I’ve been a week in Spain, and everyday I hear at least twice parents shouting at their children to stop crying or misbehaving. Which got me thinking how usual it is for that to happen in your country.

As a side note, I also thought that might be the reason why we Spaniards in general are so used to being loud – after all, most of what we do is learnt behaviour.

  1. I don’t think we shout at them more like talk a bit louder than normal.

    But the real question is why do Spanish students in ireland wear those yellow bags and take up the whole path? They even stand in the middle of the road sometimes

  2. You see, the current trend is exactly the opposite, although there are still parents who have been educated shouting at home and now reproduce that behavior with their own children (so it is understood that there are hotels, restaurants and other hospitality establishments, which prohibit the entry of children) although for the same reasons, of education received, if there are still people who shout for everything.

    So, now children are not shouted, because according to the latest pedagogical doctrines and more current teaching guidelines, children are very fragile and traumatized with anything you tell them a little raised in tone, so, children, who are not fools, become authentic vandals and do what they want, including kicking you if you are nearby, so, more and more places, they are forbidden to enter.

    You’ve been very lucky to find parents screaming, because it’s an endangered species.

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