How would you describe the perfect life?

  1. Spending my short time on this planet doing what I WANT to do instead of what I HAVE to do

  2. My perfect life I guess would be like: having a loving and supportive wife, a few pets, a little garden to tend to and still being able to do dnd once a week with friends.

  3. Well…

    Getting my dream career (working on it).

    Finding a partner who gets me, who loves me. A partner that has cool parents/family that love me as well. Being in a trusting, loving relationship, but also having time to myself to pursue my own interests and hobbies.

    Paying off all my debt.

    Never having to worry about major health issues with both myself and those close to me.

  4. living in a mountain town that’s not too far away from a bigger city so i can get my $$$ clothes and get my hair done, but still fuck off to the wilderness anytime i want and spend my free time hiking.

    no pets, maybe a kid i guess, maybe a partner i guess.

    enough money that i can be comfortable handing out $50s to waitresses on a $30 meal

    friends who never call me in a crisis but always let me know what’s going on.

  5. Not having to work, but being able to shape my persona and life after my genuine wants and wishes, and focusing solely on what is good for me.

    Having enough financial stability that I wouldn’t ever have to worry about an unexpected large expense.

    Having been able to get all the plastic surgery I’ve dreamt of since I was a child, and experiencing being attractive and loving myself for the first time in my life.

    Being in a long-term, equal, loving, respectful and fun relationship with someone who I can love and support, and who does the same for me without me having to ask.

    Having at least one close friend in the town I live in.

  6. Only needing to work part time to be financially secure, owning a house with enough land to garden, living close to my friends, and being healthy.

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