Does anyone ever know? Im (20m) really new to dating but it feels overwhelming. Sure there’s plenty of fish in the sea, but what if I miss the big fish? :/

  1. When you find someone you love, who loves you, who treats you right, and who you’re happy with, and you nurture that relationship across a lifetime that’s the one.

  2. Destiny does not exist lol. That big fish is what you make of it.

    Find someone who deserves unconditional love, and not because they’re “the one” for you.

  3. There is no such thing as THE ONE. This world is huge, and there are lots of “ones” out there. The whole soulmate concept is overrated and unrealistic. So is unconditional love. Unconditional love is for children and animals. If you are a grown adult, I expect to act as such and will not tolerate poor behavior just because we love each other.

    What’s important is that you find someone that is compatible and has chemistry with you. Both are needed. As you get more experience, you’ll learn what works for you and what doesn’t.

  4. There’s no such thing as “the one”. You have the potential of having a wonderful relationship with many individuals, it just depends on who’s where at the right moment. You’re young, you should focus on building yourself up as a man in every aspect. Don’t rush to find too many strings or you’ll regret it

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