Men of Reddit, what’s a secret that boys never share with their girlfriends?

  1. So are you fishing for ways to test your boyfriend’s openness/communication with you?

    Nice try mochimochi.

  2. The amount of random girls our eyes will automatically look at. We can’t help it.

    If we’re walking in public, our eyes will accidentally glaze over other females – it means nothing!

  3. The fact that we jackoff everyday, about 8 times even when your with us. That’s why we take so long in the bathroom~~~

  4. The few times i personally tried to open up bits to girlfriends or close female relatives it always backfired. So i rather keep things to myself.

  5. No matter how you shave your vagina it will never be attractive.

    We aren’t thinking about you when we wank. We are just wanking. Very little thought is going on.

    We are always thinking about fucking someone else. It is how we sre programmed. It is usually no reflection on you at all. Most of us don’t go and do it though.

    A lot of us (not all) don’t care about sports that much. What we care about is an hour or two when we can push our responsibilities aside.

    Lingerie isn’t as sexy as a big t-shirt (ymmv).

    Shopping with you is hell. We get to stand around holding your handbag while you ask our opinion about stuff we really don’t care about while we risk giving the wrong answer and dealing with the silent treatment all the way home.

  6. My boys group chat. The stuff in there is off limits even when I die I think god will judge me at the gates of heaven for some of the shit that’s in there 🤣😭

  7. I didn’t show my Ex how often I felt terrible. And when I did I told her in a practical way without emotion. She couldn’t really handle me being down and I feared that she might perceive me as weak.

  8. Their vulnerability, so that it wouldn’t be used against them in any arguments

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