I’m flying from Manchester to Abu Dhabi middle of September. Obviously school holidays will be over, but I wondered if the airports will still be having trouble with flights going into September?

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  2. Yes, the problem isn’t necessarily volume of people its lack of capacity to deal with those people (and their baggage, mostly).

    Manchester’s issues started in the early 2010s and has been getting worse, it’s not getting better for them any time soon.

  3. Yes, they’re always quite busy. The airline I’m flying for predicts passenger numbers to be at around 90% of pre-Covid levels by the end of this year.

    The airport’s themselves are getting better. There are still delays with baggage, Security, etc. but not as bad as reported in the media a month or two ago. The airport’s management seem to have got backsides in gear finally. Manchester is one of the less good ones I’m afraid to say, but that’s from the crew perspective.

  4. They’ll still be busy because you tend to get the people who don’t have children going for the holidays while it’s still hot in the Mediterranean etc. The airlines will have wound down a bit from the summer peak so there’ll be a few less flights and therefore be a little bit quieter. Also, the longer things go on the more and more the industry is catching up with recruitment etc which all helps too.

    As a side note take everything you read in the media about aviation with a fistful of salt. They know as much about aviation as I know about the backside of the moon.

  5. The stories on airport chaos seem to have died down a bit now even though we are peak summer holiday period. Did hte media just get bored or are things slightly improving at this point as the industry woke up to how bad the situation actually was?

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