Everyone talks about personality. You’re supposed to be authentic and not be afraid to “show” your personality when you interact with people. You’re supposed to, again, “show personality” on your online dating profile. But what does that word really mean?

I’ve always understood personality in relation to character: having character is about honesty, integrity, ethics, etc. while personality is more about being charismatic and how you display yourself. But I guess people use this word in a different sense? Do I have a personality? How do I find it and “show” it? It is something that people have a little of a lot of, or is it something that everybody has but in different forms? I know I might be overthinking this, but I hear this word a lot, and it is starting to give me existential dread.

1 comment
  1. What people usually mean by personality is

    1. Disposition. Eg. are you friendly with everyone or usually cool? Are you serious or goofy? Hyperactive or calm? Do you get angry easily? Do you show affection easily?

    2. Preferences, likes, dislikes. Eg. Do you like to binge drink? Do you like to discuss movies at length? Do you like classical music and art galleries? Do you like to do extreme sports? Do you like to chill and smoke weed? Do you like to go to the loudest club and dance?

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