Not because they choose to they just never met anyone who wanted to date them.

  1. Probably more common than were ready to talk about but I also think its a very certain segment of modern society that will have this issue.

  2. Yes, it is more common but people who have this experience probably wouldn’t want to say.

    Maybe it is fine with them since being in a relationship and possibly getting married isn’t all that important to them.

  3. I have met à few, as a single guy dating. They eventually demonstrate their ability to push people away. There’s always that aha moment where you think “ah… There it is…”

  4. *raises hand* only time I was in a relationship was when I was manipulated into one, for two years. Otherwise, I dont even know what one IS, by most peoples standards. I was 20-21 at the time, now coming up on 27. Anything before that point, and beyond that point, theres been nothing

  5. I’ve had mostly short relationships or “flings”. It is 100% me and has nothing to do with anyone else or the availability of good partners. Therapy has been very effective in overcoming this and I can’t recommend it enough.

  6. I’m 44, never had a longterm relationship. I enjoy being single. I‘m introverted and have an avoidant attachment style.
    Once in a while I do miss love/a partner, but then I remind myself of how much happier I am when I‘m not doing OLD and I feel relieved.

  7. I don’t know how statistically speaking every woman at some point should have been flirted with at least once seeing as how there are like 4 or so men for every woman

    oddly enough I have met about a dozen or so women in my life who say they have never even been flirted with much less a relationship…

    nearly every other guy has the same story but from my end that’s not unusual

  8. It’s more common now than it used to be. More people are choosing to remain single, which accounts for part of this. But also, relationship dynamics are changing and it takes a lot more to build a healthy dynamic. It’s no longer enough to have a good job or be a good homemaker. Between social anxiety, emotional immaturity, and the internet ruining how people meet and interact, it’s become more difficult to connect with people and find the right person that you want to be with.

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