What’s the reason that men ignore women instead of outright saying no when the woman asks a man out?

  1. You managed to post a title of two things that almost never happen and one that definitely doesn’t happen.

  2. The risk of having them explode mentally, physically, or verbally. No one likes negative energy and sometimes it’s best to avoid it by acting like we’re dense. Then there are times when we actually do not notice subtle hints and such because intent is not visual.

  3. Probably because their wife is just around the corner and if she sees him chatting with a lil smoke-show like yourself, he’ll be in the doghouse for sure.

    Calm your tits, Sarah.

  4. Sometimes they can’t take rejection with dignity. They get their feelings hurt, ridicule you, call you gay, etc.

  5. well < i think two different things are the reason

    1_ women are indirect so they will say it without sayin it so the man will say no without sayin it

    2_ men aren’t that cruel in relationship becuse its so rare that a woman will initiate shit so we appreciate it , so some just don’t want to hurt a woman

  6. I rejected a woman (politely) and she tried to have her male friends attack me. Soooo that’s why.

  7. Same reason why women do it. They are not interested. And they don’t want conflict.

  8. I cant be arsed with the added drama. If i ignore it, it goes away (by that I mean you)

  9. I don’t know, I feel like it’s the other way around almost exclusively. Women ignore men all the time, but god forbid a man ignores a women.

  10. Women talk and guys don’t want to be painted as the bad guy because they weren’t “being nice.”

  11. Because the next question may be “why not” and the answer to that can lead to a lot of problems.

  12. Because you have just put us in an awkward situation where we have to say no. And we know how that kind of rejection feels and we don’t want to deal with those emotions. So we stay quiet hoping that she will get the hint.

    If a man is interested, the yes doesn’t need to be pulled out of him like a wisdom tooth.

  13. Did you actually ask him out or did you give him some subtle opportunity to make a move on you and he was too oblivious to notice and so now you are calling it a rejection?

    If it’s the former, maybe he doesn’t really know what to say that won’t hurt your feelings too much. young men get basically zero practice in this avenue, so it’s hard to know what to say and when something is said, it is usually poorly received. I remember having to reject my friend’s little sister in HS, I didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t fucking blow up the whole situation. So I let her down the nicest posible way I could. She then went on to ask me out like 4 more times and kept trying to convince me to give it a chance. Needless to say, I never entered their home again because I didn’t want to deal with it.

    Basically the same reason why women (who have more practice) will just say “I’m busy” instead of “no” when a guy asks them out.

  14. I do not ignore women unless they act obnoxious or really bizarre and then it is a case of self-protection from crazy pants.

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