I have always had insecurities when it comes to talking with people. I’m a horrible story teller, I can be very quiet/reserved & I have this deep belief that I’m a boring person. I don’t get out a lot & I’m currently rediscovering myself & my interests after being in a 10 year relationship.

In conversation, I have good listening skills which can keep others talking because I’m good at being present & asking questions. I’m genuinely interested in other people. However, when it’s my turn to talk, I fall flat. I literally don’t have much to say ever & I have a difficult time getting my points across. I can also be pretty awkward. Has anyone here successfully made noticeable changes in their social skills & ability to be better at conversation?

  1. I like to believe I have. I do well in social situations now and don’t get nearly as nervous.

    Also, the part about having to rediscover yourself resonated with me. I tell everyone I had to learn who I was and who I wanted to be when my 10 year relationship fell through. It certainly isn’t easy.

  2. Active listening helps. Try to find similarities in your life that you would bring up. Like oh what you reminds me of something similar that happened to me! ….blah blah blah, tell them about you.

  3. Yes. Basically a combination of emulating well spoken people and my own trial and error.

    I think when people say they have a tough time expressing themselves in a conversation, it’s usually because they are worried about sounding stupid. So got to work on being less self conscious.

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