My bf has dry cum on his shirt.
I think this is gross, but he says it’s not gross because it’s dry.
He changed when I told him it bothered me.
I just wanna know if it’s just me for thinking it’s gross?

  1. That has nothing to do with a christian bubble. That’s simply disgusting. It’s bad hygiene. Also, that’s got to smell terrible. If you soak up bodily fluids with a shirt, the next destination for it should be the laundry basket.

    In general, does your bf have bad hygiene? It’s hard to believe this is the only misconception he has about hygiene, lol.

  2. I would think that would leave his shirt a little crunchy. I would also have serious concerns about this guy’s overall personal hygiene.

  3. Of thinking that is gross is “chrisrian”, then at least most people can agree they got something right.

  4. I don’t know why I laughed so hard at this. He’s really not about keeping any romance between you if that’s how he acts. You need to let him know that not wanting a man in a cum-stained shirt is in no way a religious leaning. It’s just basic hygiene and common-sense.

  5. I am pretty religious and can tell you his response has very little to do with religion/faith. He sounds like he is testing you in a really smug way. You have to wonder what you really have in common with this one. He really should have asked you what you were feeling and what was offensive. Of course you know it is gross and it goes without asking.

  6. I used to have a customer that would come in fairly well dressed, suit, tie…and these crusty white stains on all over his shit. I now know what that was…it was cum, he wore it like a fucking badge. Dude, be you, but fucking gross.

  7. Very gross. Also, you might want to reconsider sleeping in his bed if he thinks his cum is clean.

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