What lessons did you learn from your past relationship?

  1. Never let your guard down. I trusted her not open the freezer door while I was bent over looking in the produce drawers. Never again.

  2. There comes a point in a relationship, fairly early on, where you have to be honest about what you actually want. You can’t just lie by omission for years, hide your needs and pretend they aren’t there.

    Oh, and people are frequently extremely naïve about sex.

  3. Learn to be alone, shit gonna hurt real bad one’s you both aren’t together.

  4. Set boundaries. My ex wanted a big family – 5-6 kids. I wanted 1. We’d jokingly fight about it, but in my heart I knew we’d not work out.
    We broke up for other reasons.
    I’m child free now and won’t ever go back.

    Also don’t take any shit. If any girl goes “if you can’t handle me at my worst…” Walk away. Her worst is not yours to handle. Her worst is hers to take care of and be treated for.

  5. Trust your gut. They’re not sorry if they repeat the action. Manipulation isn’t love.

  6. * Cherish every moment.
    * Take every opportunity to make memories, and let them know that.
    * Work on yourself, even if everything seems good. There’s always room for improvement.
    * Talk. Ask the hard questions, don’t assume.
    * Related to the above, plan things together. Make sure you’re on the same page.
    * Understand some things are beyond your control. You can offer to help and be as supportive as you can be, but they need to be willing to let you in.
    * Listen. You might think you have done, but it never hurts to take a moment to double-check you’ve understood what they’ve said properly. Oftentimes people who aren’t ready to communicate properly will voice doubts or anxieties in a more roundabout way; if you listen well, you can pick up on that.
    * Lastly, and most importantly, that it’s astounding how much you can love someone and want the best for them.

  7. Not to trust so quick, and that I can be treasoned even if I feel the connection is real.

  8. You can lose a girl slightly to a point were she decides that the relationship needs to end and there is no point of return.

    So, if you love a girl, listen to her carefully, make sure sou interpret her behavior correctly.

  9. A relationship with someone who has borderline personality disorder is almost impossible and isn’t worth it.

  10. People say things all the time, but actually doing them is what matters.

    That the phrase “have faith in me” is now a red flag

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